Helen Quinlan

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--Notes by Terri.Vance 00:58, 29 April 2012 (UTC)

I found a letter that my grandmother, Florence Elizabeth (nee Williams) Vance and her cousin, Dr. Henry Clyde Werts, typed up on August 20, 1950 in Los Angeles. The letter was titled Quinlans. It was the key to discovering my Quinlan roots.

The letter begins...

"Jeremiah Quinlan and his wife and family left Ireland and settled in Canada near Walkerton about 1853. Then left Canada and settled in Kansas U.S.A, near St. Mary's, about 1867. Leaving part of the Family in Canada."

In the Quinlan letter the following are listed as Jeremiah and Bridget Quinlan's children:

Tom, Patrick, Bridget, Katie, William, Ellen, Julia, Mary

Paragraph of Florence Vance's letter pertaining to Ellen Quinlan:

Ellen Quinlan married Silas A. Werts at St. Mary's Kansas and settled in Reedsville Penna., the former home of her husband. They had 6 children. Henry, May, William, Grover, Gertrude and Peter. All deceased except Henry & May. May lives at 1124 Third Ave., Beaver Falls, PA. Her name is Mr. J. J. Shuckerow. They had one boy single, one girl single, and two girls married with families. Henry lives at 2500 Juliet St., Los Angeles, Calif. Had three boys and one girl. Rev. Hilary Robert Werts S.J. is Rector of Alma College near San Francisco. Rev. Louis Clyde Werts S.J. is Professor of Physics and of the Engineering school of Loyola University, Los Angeles. Charles Francis Werts M.D. is practicing medicine in Hollywood. Margaret's name is Mr. M. E. Hannin. They have a boy and a girl. Mr. Hannin is an Attorney. Francis had two boys and two girls. The deceased Werts' children were all married and had families.''